Well today it is your lucky day. So, I don't blog for like weeks on end and then BAM two blogs one day! Since today is all about the Madigan I'd just like to say Makadoodle nut, lookout, there is a new ponytail princess in the hizz-ouse! For those of you with babies that were born with luscious long locks, I am green with envy. For now until ever more my children will be cursed with bows, ribbons and elastics! Viva la ponytail!
well, at least until they are old enough to tell me to lay off the frills!
and that beautiful baby does not even look like she is in any pain in the application of said 'ponytail' (for lack of a better name)
Boy Vashti and Michael, you sure do make gorgeous babies!!
keep on doing 'it' (snicker)
loves ya
Does that baby look like baby pictures of her Uncle Jason or what!!!! How do family resemblances do these strange things? On a personal note, I think it it totally inappropriate that your mother is involved in your sex life!
Glad to hear your having good days, I sure hope you keep blogging when you get to the British Isles!
Charli is great (gassy) and Chay is good (snotty) Big baby shower tomorrow, so I will send pictures. It is turning into the 'Grad reunion of 2002' Keep em coming!
(I mean the pictures!) luv ya, Gogo
AKA Granny Jack
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