Well today was our last riley park ballet class. There is a recital on friday but we aren't going to attend. Its hard enough scheduling in pee breaks for me let alone dance recitals!! As you can see from the pictures its probably best we didn't go! All the girls are doing one thing and Maeve (definately my daughter) is dancing to the beat of her own drum!
We are doing good. The girls are driving me nearly mental. Well, closer than usual anyway! Michael keeps reminding me how frantically in love with him I am. I keep reminding him that although I do love him, I am just plain frantic! We are having a little issue with the time difference. For whatever reason it is challenging for the moving company to get in touch with our new work. It is starting to scare me since everything should be picked up to ship on monday! Yikes!! I'm sure it will all work out anyway. I am trying to adopt a more zen like way of life. I know that I can't fix everything or take care of every single detail. Some things must be left up to fate! So, I am just going to keep plodding along and hope like hell we manage to get it all done in time! At least we aren't waiting on visas! That is the one thing we managed to get straightened out!