Hi everyone! Boy what a weekend! It was "Thanksaweenie" at my brother's Jason and his wife Barb's house in Victoria. Since it is so difficult to get all the family together at the same time in the same place, we sometimes have to combine holidays. We had a fantastic 3 day eat fest let me tell you. I'm not going anywhere near my scale until Madigan is at least 6 weeks when I can start going to the gym!! My family was wonderful as always. We played an awesome game of Cranium. I'd love to say Michael and I were the winners but sadly we tied for last place! Maeve got to play with her Cousins Makenna Dawn and Siobhan. Oh the things she learned this weekend! Maeve learned how to be spooky and coincidentally spooked. The girls taught her how to run like hell when one of them holds up a spooky skeleton mask! Maeve did manage to take a little time out and give some love to Rascal the Finnerty bird slayer. We got to see Emily poo poo and Auntie Caca who keeps getting better looking. How rude, what is it that I'm doing wrong? Oh yea, having kids ruins ya! Gramma and Crappa were great. My Mom did very well sharing Madigan. Infact, I think we can officially retire calling her "baby hogger" until we see how she does with the next one. Next time we play Cranium I want Big Robin on my team and Sean if we have to do alot of spelling backwards!!! Little Robin made an awesome hallowe'en treat spread. Martha Stewart look out! I want to go out this week and make caramel apples but I know that wont end well!! As you can see by the photo we carved an obscene amout of pumpkins. Ok, you can only see three but trust me there were many pumpkins carved that day! I did the ghost one, Michael did the Dora one for the girls and then the cute punkin face one with Maeve. We missed Tig and Rowena at this one but hopefully they will be back soon! I had a really good time and I'm glad we made it over for this ostentious holiday! Go to this link www.poopeople.com/hallowgiving/ to see more of the fam's pics. Figure out who is who, Danica, Brodie, Jason, Barb, Robin, Sean, Makenna, Siobhan and Crappa
hmmmmmmmm so when you say 'the next one' to have the title of baby hogger dispelled, DO YOU MEAN THE NEXT BABY BORN TO YOU??? or the next baby in the family. Just wanna clear this up.
Love and squishes
The next baby born to the family!
Don't get your hopes up it hasn't even been 6 weeks yet!
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