Ok, well sorry it is a little dark but I'm certain Michael preferred it that way! You see, Michael went out to celebrate that damned Earl Fast's birthday. I'm just going to go out for a couple hours he says to me. Ya right! Don't worry, I managed to get the girls off to bed by my little old self. I even managed to watch Sin Cities! Michael phoned around 10 and said he'd be about an hour longer since the hockey game just let out and there is no way to wedge oneself on the skytrain with all those people! Sooo.. I went to bed. At 2:50 some drunk bum comes bumbling his way in the door. Good lord how time flies when you are Karaoking your whiteness off! Michael's went with his work friends to a karaoke bar and proceeded to drink many rounds of rye coke! I wonder at what point Michael realized he hasn't "tied one on" like that since Cousin Palooza last year? Well, today we shall punish the wicked... yes yes, we will take awful pictures and make him hold our crying/whining children. Yes.. we will encourage Maeve to ask for many horsey rides and hope and pray Madigan poops up a storm.. Yes.. then perhaps I'll be less jealous that he can go out and drink and party and I can't! I had to relight the pictures so you could see better. Sorry for the double pic post. They are exactly the same one is just more visible! If I were more savvy I'd figure out how to remove the dark one.. but suck it up kids.. I'm not!
Ah YES! revenge is sweet. But with a pounding migraine from overindulging on halloween leftovers - I'm sympathizing a little with the bum who came in at 3:00 AM.
Have a good Sunday.
You're mean! Let the poor man get some sleep. After all, he's gotta take care of the three of you, right ;)
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