Holy stockings batman! Count them out! 29 or some obscene number like that! Xmas with my family is officially over now there are the 2 celebrations with Michael's side. It was great, Uncle Jaycie and Auntie Barbie hosted another fantastic christmas celebration! As usual they are the bravest nuts in our family that actually invite us back holiday after holiday! Ha suckers! OOps I mean, aren't they great?
The girls got to spend some good times with Gramma & Crappa, Auntie Caca & Emilee, Auntie Robin Siobhan and Sean, Auntie Lindsay Uncle Bro and Makadoodlenut, Uncle Todder Auntie Rowena and Lanny Mel and her two children Coral and Nikkaio. The food was GREAT, the company was great and the gift exchange was alot of fun even tho I'm a moron and I chose the gift that Michael put in! The roaster coasters I made were "THE" item for xmas this year! I had terrible pictures of everyone in the family that I mounted onto marble tiles with terribly witty burns on each one so I called them the roaster coasters. It was really funny. The coaster with me on it looked awesome of course!
We are home now and we all have colds with drippy noses so thats awesome! Maeve is wearing her sleeping beauty dress with the requisite pink heels while Madigan is catching some snooze. I am in my pjs and have so much to do but can't figure out what to do first! Generally all my days start like this until I pull my head out of my butt and actually get moving!
I think we are all done xmas shopping because I don't think Michael would stay married to me if I dragged him to the mall again! I'll probably hit it tonight as I haven't done anything re: stockings! Only 5 more days until christmas!!!