As per, Casa Mussellam is being throw curve balls left right and centre! The most recent was the fantastic Ark sized flooding Mother's Day weekend. My work/Madigan's kindercare was flooded. It was flooded with not just rainwater. Yuck. Everything that was touched by this liquid has been packed up to be taken away and sanitized or tossed. We are operating out of school care/kindercare out of #1 Kingsway, our Community Centre where I used to head up the Infant room. Preschool has been cancelled temporarily, I do not know when we will be back in our building. Life is tough, life is challenging but man does time fly when you operate in crisis mode! Michael is settling in at his job. Of course he is working ridiculous hours, we only ever switch up the jobs right at crunch time! I'm beginning to think we are gluttons for punishment! Before this terrible flood occurred, I had booked a week off for a little RnR! Talk about cosmic timing! I took the girls over to my Moms and got to visit with all the cousins, catch a movie, drink some beers and really had a great time with some pretty great people I get to call family! I swear there were more children but I only caught one picture of this adorable happy little guy we call Conrad, or "Coo-ad" as his equally adorable sister calls him!

Over the last little while I had noticed that Maeve was squinting and not able to read signs that I think she should have soo off to the eye Dr and little Miss Maeve is now even more adorable! She picked these frames out herself! She says, "Everything is much sharper now, not as blurry." Glad we figured this out now before it affected her with headaches or not being able to read what was written on the board at school.

Madigan continues to be the most adorable, animal loving girl. She reads really well, can do anything she puts her mind to and has a wicked sense of humour! She is just like her Mother!

Thanks to these lovelies, I had a very wonderful manicure/pedicure while Daddy took them to the pool! What a great weekend!
1 comment:
Sounds like you guys are keeping busy over there. Maeve looks super cute in her new glasses and Madigan is adorable as always.
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