Yes, Michael just got old! For his birthday we had a big BBQ out at his Mother's! All of his family came out to help us celebrate. It was really nice! For his birthday, I am taking him to the Dominican Republic for a week! A week! My mother is very...*very* kindly coming to watch the girls in Vancouver so they don't miss any school! How sweet is that?
Maeve turned 8 on Auntie Sara's 36th Birthday. I cannot believe I have an 8 year old! Maeve is growing up so fast it is making my head spin! Grade 3, knows everything (comes by that honestly), confident, talented and just generally wonderful this girl is!
This year we had an actual "birthday party". The kids all seemed to have a really good time, but I should have just had it here. We wound up doing all the work anyway! Maeve invited a few friends to make crafts at Michael's Craft store, have some cake and have their faces painted. It didn't ruin Maeve's party at all but it took an hour just to paint the faces of 5 kids! Maeve didn't even get hers done until 5mins after the party ended! Needless to say, I was a bit miffed. Meh.. it was all I could do not to take the facepaint stuff out of the girl's hands and do it myself. Not wanting to ruin the party, I just hung out with a few of my treasured Moms!
Thank you all for your gifts and calls. Maeve was a very happy girl on her 8th!
Next week, Madigan turns 6!