This week was Maeve's school's Spring Fling. A really great fund raising event and planned months in advance. I say this because I knew it was coming, I should have done it sooner but I was up until 11:30 making this:

cake mix (yes mix) 1.99
canned frosting 1.99
fonant/fondant roller/fondant cutter
food colouring gel/star cookie cutter 66.00
hours of last minute cake making/
throwing together..........................priceless!
Who cares how much the crap cost when your daughter goes to school with a home made cake, proud as punch!
Bad picture but trust me, many a man hour went into it!
I demand a better picture! I know you have a camera, what does it say? It looks rad.
it says' simon fraser or bust'
thats her school! no better pictures, long night.. went out bright and early the next day..
i could send more crappier pictures though!
Who won the cake? Awesome homeade love cake! I hope the fair was a great success!
Vashti this post made me cry! You ARE me, well you work harder but you do the same kind of things I did !
I am so proud of you and your way of being a Mother. I wish I had had as much information as you have because I could have been so much better! I use all that I learn from you with the beautiful grandchildren that all of you have given to me!
I just read this blog on my birthday and this is such a gift! Thank you both for being such amazing parents and people.
I love you
What a great cake! Can I have one for my birthday??
Nice work! xo Anna
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