We had Christmas! Auntie Erin/Don came over and shared the holiday with us. Can't prove it though as they eluded the camera!
We got to spend christmas day with Cousin Jakie & Co at Gramma Susie's & Darryls! They have a great very child friendly home.. even has an awesome playhouse in the back that Darryl is going to have the kids paint! They are SUPER excited!
Maeve and Madigan.. same but sooOOoooo different! I love them each so much!
they are SO different and so awesome in different ways!! Great to see a post no matter how late, it'll never be as late as Lindsey or Todd!!
Mucho love from the island
Welcome back Mussellams! Vshti did you get your hair cut again? It looks good girl.
Hi...I still lurk, but never comment. Was wondering how close you are to the Olympic excitement.
Ten years ago we went to Dollywood...seems like a million. Girls are beautiful. You look happy. Life is good. We are good here too.
Holy Crap I did not even see a new post to feast my eyes on!
Glad to have seen it now. Love you guys
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