Sunday Auntie Lisa threw a wonderful party for Erin and Don! Little Natalie sent a Bride and Groom baseball hat an Uncle David said a few words congratulating the couple and wishing them well on their biggest adventure yet! Gift were given, cake was eaten a great time was had by all.
The kids had a BLAST jumping on the trampoline. I'm glad their brand new dresses were soon BLACK! Madigan jumped so much and laughed so much we had to give her a conditional TO! The weather was crappy on the way there but the skies opened up and poured down some loving sunshine for Erin & Don's bridal shower.
I can't show all the pictures of the gifts received. Let me tell you, the oldest Lady at the party gave the gift with the biggest party reaction!
oh dear lord, can't wait to see what the haul was! Glad it went well!
Congrats on your shower Erin. At least you got one.
heh heh
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