We hit the Red Onion for some burgers and the Play Palace because the weather was kind of blah.
The kids (young and old) seemed to like everything! We tried a new Mexican place for dinner. It was GREAT! Not the service mind you but the food was great and the kids were all GREAT! Imagine, 6 adults and 6 kids not one squabble, whine or time out! It was awesome! The boys were treated to a second round of margaritas while the ladies took the kids to Britannia park to play for a bit before heading home.
Saturday Barb, Morgan and their girls hosted a GREAT BBQ so everyone could meet up in one place with the Reynoldzes. I know I've said it so many times but it was GREAT! There were new kids there and everyone seemed to get on really really well. The big kids sort of paired off and did big kids stuff while the younger ones got to play on their enormous home play structure! it was a treat!
For Father's day, I had a babysitter (Thanks Auntie Mel) all lined up to come over and watch the girls while I took Michael out for a movie! Things changed drastically at the BBQ when we started reminiscing about the weekly LOTR Risk games in Alameda with Eric. Well, one thing led to another and it was game on.. Good (michael) vs Evil (Eric & I). There was some initial hope for me, working with my evil counterpart. Then as usual, too much evil is not a good thing and Eric began his war of attrition:
As you can probably barely see, there I was (RED) my lone General standing tall and proud. The last man standing as it were. That was until my next turn. Look carefully and see what a woman scorned can accomplish.
It was all for naught. The ring carried right on through the badlands and damned if that fat little hairy hobbit didn't hurl it into Mt Doom. Good won again.. but not next time... muhahahah... muhahahahahahahah... muhahahahahha
too funny daughter! Thank you for the lovely birthday lily, it has the most amazing scent! I love it (i posted pics on the blog)
Your weekend sounded like so much fun, please say hi to Eric and Anna for me.
I am off to work now.
Love ya
good gravy HOLD THE CAMERA STILL! Looked like action AND adventure!!
OMG Vashti, we played RISK in your mom's Van driving to Victoria... drinking... driving... fighting...oh man we had some fun! lol funny how you forget so much.. must be the brain damage incurred in said events..
XX hope to see u soon!
they were drinking and I was driving! and I had forgotten that 'risky' night!
too funny.
good memory Jac!
love ya
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