Not much going on around here these days. We are all well, as well as people who work and go to school in petri dishes may be that is! Coughs, colds snotty noses are pretty par for the course around here.
I'm busy cursing daylight savings time because the girls do NOT want to go to sleep when it is still light out. I am patting myself on the back again for the blackout curtains I got for 50% off when Linens'n'things went belly up! Ahh glorious darkness!
Today we woke up to snow.. boo.. I knew it was coming though. Had a hot tip from some islanders warning me of the coming white stuff!
Here is Little Ms Madigan Bea doing a significant dismount on the balance beam. This kid is amazing with balance! She seems to LOVE her class and I'm pretty sure her teacher is pretty in love with our Goober!
She is such a silly little monkey and I adore her, well more when she isn't driving me crazy with the constant whining and crying!
Tonight the girls are sound asleep. This girls love each other (when they aren't fighting/screaming at each other) even in their sleep! I am the luckiest Mother ever!
Maeve and Madigan, je t'aime!

I was talking TONIGHT about how they spoon! oh, and last night to chris and shayla too! A freaking Dorable those two are. Good job you guys, Madigoobs, how could they NOT love her?
Note that I commented here about your blog and not on facebook....just sayin. :P
ok, so that is basically the cutest photo ever! your girls are so naturally loving and sweet. i guess my mom was right when she said, (after raising 2 boys and 2 girls and i had just told her i was pregnant with a boy)..."girls are good. boys are bad." gotta love that joany-ism.
my boys are exciting, but you got lucky my friend.
sister double happiness.
Awwww, That's adorable, I miss em, Madigan still pushing those buttons eh? She wouldn't do it if you wouldn't react you know :D. I was chatting to mom about the uniquely sweet nature our kids have, It's weird I have never been so chill around kids but it's like I know they have to love me so I can relax, Ps, I now am printing out the pic to put on my fridge.
Love unca tiggy
Hi guys!
I love the picture of the girls cuddled together too.. so sweet! Sounds like you are as busy as we are these days.. hope all is well!
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