Some snaps from the last little while...
Valentines Day
Smart Librarian Maeve
Smart Librarian Maeve with a wicked bad reaction to her stupid vaccinations. My poor sweet honey. Doesn't seem to bother her, I called the Nurses hotline and sexy nurse Alex (male) said to ice it, give her some ibuprofen. It doesn't seem to be bothering her but it is killing me that I was forced my the school nurse nazi to vaccinate her. Boo
Playdate with Master LeeHam. Table for two of course!
Now we are off to the bank, then to gymnastics from there we will hit science world and then home so I can make dinner.. whoopee! What a day!
oooh maeve I hope you feel better, winters shots sucked for us (more emotional tho) horray for mystical valentines unicorns!
god I hate the shots too! especially the first FOUR at once! but I got a good scare a few months back, was exposed to live whooping cough at school... called the nurse and she said "thank god your grandbabies are vaccinated" scary stuff.... Valentines day looks awesome.
Thanks for such a fab playdate and lunch at your place! We all love our visits to your lovely home.
awww but what was her reaction? Her arm looks red in the photo.
CONGRATULATIONS MAEVE ON READING YOUR FIRST BOOK ! I hope it is the beginning of a lifetime of reading enjoyment like it has been for me.
You are such a clever girl. I love you all.
Maeve word verification is hansall (maybe a book you will read when you are MUCH older) (and yes Vashti I know that is not how it is spelled in the book but phonetically it is one and the same)
Vashti, you are the coolest Valentine's Day mummy. My beloved mammy refused to celebrate what she called, "hallmark holidays". Of course, valentines day and halloween were rather joyless days when I was a small person - we had to make our own costumes and not spend any money - I was a hobo every year... True, I am glad to have healthy cynysism but I think there should be celebrations throughout childhood and special days. what fun to wake up to presents and candy!
Cathy B.
Aaawww. What sweet parents - putting together those sweet looking Valentine's gifts for your girls. Mine get less elaborate each year. Love the boxing princesses! XO Kate
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