I just wanted to let you know that I am an Auntie to the cutest baby on the planet. Behold. the cutest little baby girl!

srsly.. isn't she the cutest? I love her so much and since her Mother isn't blogging pictures of her I will. I totally.. TOTALLY ripped this pic off Dinks' facebook and let that be lesson to us all to watermark our photos!
This has been a GREAT week for me so far! I now have 13 children enrolled in my class with 2 more expected next week and 1 more expected in Feb. The children are all so great! Definitely unique personalities and different developmental levels but great great and so much fun! I love my class!!!
Another reason my week has been great was Sara and Jakers popped over for a visit! They are both doing well. Jakers is just the sweetest boy alive! I say, "Oh Jakers I sure love you." He replies, "I love you too Auntie"! He loves me.. he reaaaaally loves me!!!! Sara came to our weekly yogaflex class. It was nice to see that even a super toight fit girl like Sara was red faced and sweating like I was! Tough tough class last night.. so, obviously to stretch out the kinks we went up to our local for a pint of strongbow!!! hahahah Crazy night.. silly foolish drunk dood tries to hit on an entire table of married women, fresh from a very challenging yoga class! You know he was drunk when! Oh well, he really liked Sara and all the girls looked hot so, I guess who could blame him!! He very kindly bought us all a shot and I wobbled my old ass home! Luckily I bounced out of bed with NO hangover and NO crippling muscle spasms! Woot me!!
Today Sara, Jakers and Clan Mussellams met Great Gramma Mimi for lunch. She just loves her Great Grandchildren! Everyone was really well behaved at lunch but it was a short sweet visit. GG Mimi had to hit the Community Center and Sara and Jakers had to get their gear rounded up to head home. Since Maeve was up at 5:30am and Madigan was up at 6:30 am I made the executive decision that naps were in order! So I drove to Mr Hortons, got myself a coffee and forced the children into a nap.. well.. Madigan, not Maeve. Maeve rested with her eyes closed and did NOT sleep! Since we were in Richmond we decided to go visit my favorite crazy Mussellam.. Great Granny Gracie! We had a lovely visit. She is one hell of a lady! I admire her, she is a troublemaker tho.. real pot stirrer like her sons and grandsons! The girls and I made it home around 6pm had a quick dinner and then bedtime!
I love your posts Vashti! You actually do make me laugh out loud! It sounds like you have had a very full but fun existence lately. I wonder why you would be drawn to a woman that is a pot stirrer, and troublemaker? Hmmmm let me think about that. Jakie sounds wonderful and of course I already know that Sara is. Please kiss Maeve and Madigan for me and tell them I love them. wish you lived here.
Winter is getting so smiley now. She reminds me of Jason in lots of ways.
Saige is so funny Vashti....she is going to be just like you.
gotta run but love you all
hahaha...a little glipse into your life is a scary scary thing Vashsti! sounds like you are kickin it all over the city! What did you guys do to the brave young drunk man??
XX Jac
I don't know who this Vashsti person is but MAN that is a cute baby! Glad things are going great V. Answer your facebook mail or I stab you. You gotta see your niecie poo bum soon! She wubs ewe.
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