Hiya frizends and fizamily ! Today was ANOTHER Monday... wtf.. where are these Mondays coming from anywayz? The weekends go by too quickly!
This Monday Michael stayed home in the am because there was a pro d day. No school for Maeve and a forced no school for Madigan because there is no way I'll take her to work if I can avoid it! That sounds mean but really.. having your child(ren) at work with you is HARD! So, if Michael and Maeve are at home then so is Madigan!
After work we dropped Daddy off at his work and we hit the seawall. Maeve was given a super awesome old skool big girl trike and we got kitted out for it this weekend. Both girls now have helmets and lilypads.. Lilypads are kneepads for all of you not Madigans out there! The girls drove all the way from pacific to Cambie and back. They were amazing. Madigan was more than a little pooped but we survived the experience! We met up with our very favorite little man.. Carter! Mel snapped this pic of them all!

Now we are at home and I'm trying to come up with dinner plans. Michael is on deadline at work so we are Daddy less in the evenings. Boo... and even more boo because he was late going in he'll be even later coming home.. bah hum boo!
**recent edit**
The time is 7:49 pm and look what the girls are doing! I tired them OUT today! Happy snoozing little princesses!
ps they love each other so much they hold hands in their sleep!