Here are the girls with Minnie. She is pretty much the only non princess disney character that Maeve would stand near! Can't wait until we get to the Cruella DeVille ones!
hahahaha bitches
hahahahha..more pupppiiiiiiieees!
Here is maeve at Bug's Life waterpark
Hahahahahha well, we all can use a good fur coat! GORGEOUS, I can't believe how BIG they are getting and that we get to see them this weekend. I'm making my speciality for them to eat....BRAINS!!!!!
That's Awesome
that is one of the nicest pics of both Maeve and Madigan that I have ever seen........I would love to have a copy. Maybe I can yoink it off here?
One more sleep and you will be here to snuggle!!!!!!!! Yes that includes you Michael!
can't wait.
love y'all
omg word verification is puken
my word verification is rquqlwsk!
Yay, that waterpark looks awesomitron!! how DID it know you were there?!
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