Happy Birthday to Tiggy
Happy Birthday toooo Tiggy.....
You are so frigging lucky I don't have you right number.....
Or we would have sung this to you at your time of 6:05 am!
You are a lucky duck today Tig! I was trying to beat Jason for the earliest/most annoying birthdady wakeup call!
so Happy Birthday to my little brother Tig. We were so happy to have you here in August. Come back and visit us soon! We love you , miss you and wish you were here!
all of us at Casa de Mussellam
I second all of that (excepting the bad singing)
Love ya son on your birthday and every other day too!
I am waiting for you to get to work so I can call you....it is 8:59 AM your time.
Awwww I gots my own blog, Thanks nice sister I miss/love you too, Congrats on the new jobbo, Mom told me all about it when she called me this morning. Altogether I had about 40 well wishers wishing me a happy b day, Not too bad for an old duff like me. Anyhow Kisses and Huggles to my Nieces, and some to Michael, Thanks for the post Vashti!!
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