Hey gang,
Sorry we have been MIA for so long. I am exhausted! We have been busy busy busy all summer.
My sister Danica got married Aug 8 and we were over on the island. Got lots of good visiting in on the farm!
We drove up Island to go visit Mhari and family. They are all doing well!
On our way back from the Island we brought Auntie Erin back with us. We rocked out at Motley Cruefest Aug 11. It seems like it was weeks ago but really, was just last week!
This weekend we kicked it at Granny Gracie's outdoor pool where Maeve decided she could swim. She just pushed off from Michael carrying her and swam to me! I can't believe what a mermaid she is turning out to be!!
I have no idea what this week holds in store. I'm sort of flying by the seat of my pants until Kindergarten starts in September! Can YOU believe it??? I can't.... my baby going to school for the first time!! it is MINDBLOWING for me!
We are taking the girls to DisneyLand Sept 13- 20th! Should be a blast since Madigan hates all things rides!! I'm sure we'll figure something out!! Auntie Erin and Don will be joining us! I can't wait!
Madigan is a very funny little girl. Always making faces and silly dances! She is so kind to her sister Maeve. All Maeve has to do is ask for something and Madigan will give it to her. We are so lucky to have the girls who really do make our lives complete! I love you Maeve and Madigan!