Tomorrow is the day my Mother was born.
I am up late because I just got off work but I know my Mom will be on here at the crack of dawn. Also I wrote this last night when I should be writing it to-night! It is a day early but hopefully not a dollar short!
Because I'm a day early, I would like to be the first person to wish you the very best of birthdays. You are a fantastic Mother and an even more fantastic Grandmother. No one loves all of our kids more than you Mom. You have an amazing capacity to love. I love you for that.
I also love you for loving every single grandchild the best, not one more than the other but all equally. Funny how you tell each and every one you love them the most and I believe you actually do! I can't wait til Danica and Mike's little on is in the outside world getting a little slice of the love you have in store for him/her. Here is my Mom sharing a little of the love with my girls:

No one is more proud of all her children than my Mom. She brags about all of us, to us, but also to complete strangers. The good in us comes from the woman who gave birth to us, loves us helps us, hurt us (think throwing rocks), holds us, pushes us and supports us through all the good times and the challenging times. I love you Mom, have a great birthday!
yes I am up at the crack of dawn and you are a day early too!!
I can't believe the post because it is so wonderful.
and yes.........i am crying
i love you the best!!
aww Vashti, what a wonderful child you are! Your mom is all you said and more, she does always find the good in each person, and makes everyone she touches feel special! She is an angel! I love her too...I am lucky to have her friendship these past ...26years!
XXX jac
Oh Vashti, such a lovely and thoughtful birthday greeting for your mum - made me a bit teary too!
xo Cathy B.
There is nothing more heart-warming than the love between Mother and Child. You are both amazing humans.
Happy B-Day GummaLuvvy!
HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY my Nanaimo Mom !! We wish you all the best on this wonderful day :) Don and I owe you tons, thank you for brings a wonderful, thoughtful, great man into my life.
Have a GREAT Birthday !!
P.S -- Hello Vashti, Michael, Maeve & Madigan....sorry we haven't spoken recently. No excusses I know. I'll call you soon to talk about the end of the month in P.R. Luv you guys tons :)
ya...okay....I noticed my mistake. I am a dumb plum sometimes hehehe
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