Sunday, June 22, 2008

After a fairly difficult week, a day off!  

Today I had a great Bitch'n'Brunch with my girlfriends.  It was GREAT!  Everyone of my friends are so much fun!  I think everyone had a really good time.  Unfortch my restaurant choice didn't work out exactly as planned but we are women and we adapt!  Onward and upward I say!  

Some of the crew couldn't make it for this one and I totally understand!  You were missed my friends, you were missed!  There is always next month!  There was a bigger turnout this month so I expect more girls for August!  

After brunch Melanie Fellers came over with a "gift" for the girls.  The lovely gift was an adorable teddy bear from Seattle.  The less adorable part was that the teddy bear was clutching a lollipop the size of the Space Needle.  NIce Mel, nice!  Should have seen the looks on their faces.   They were in heaven.  Mel laughed and laughed knowing there wasn't a way in hell I would be able to not let them have the lollies!  I get the last laugh tho, I took a hammer and smashed off a large percentage of the offending lollie leaving a manageable piece at the top!  ha ha.. here are the little piggies, er.. darlings:

With giant lollies in hand we paced us up a yesteryear british lunch picnic and hit Riley Park.  Once there we ran into some friends from the neighbourhood!

 I love Vancouver.  I love our community and I love that we don't have to drive if we don't want to!  I am so lucky to have everything!  All my petty complaints aside I have a wonderful husband who loves me, two of the most beautiful, smartest children I've ever met, not one but 2 fun part time jobs, the very best friends a girl can ask for and a great family that keeps  on growing with little ones popping up at least once a year!  I have everything and I'm so lucky!  I love you all everyone and I'm so lucky to have you!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Tomorrow is a very special day.  

Tomorrow is the day my Mother was born.

I am up late because I just got off work but I know my Mom will be on here at the crack of dawn. Also I wrote this last night when I should be writing it to-night!  It is a day early but hopefully not a dollar short!
Because I'm a day early,  I would like to be the first person to wish you the very best of birthdays.  You are a fantastic Mother and an even more fantastic Grandmother.  No one loves all of our kids more than you Mom.  You have an amazing capacity to love.  I love you for that.  

I also love you for loving every single grandchild the best, not one more than the other but all equally. Funny how you tell each and every one you love them the most and I believe you actually do!  I can't wait til Danica and Mike's little on is in the outside world getting a little slice of the love you have in store for him/her.  Here is my Mom sharing a little of the love with my girls:

No one is more proud of all her children than my Mom.  She brags about all of us, to us, but also to complete strangers. The good in us  comes from the woman who gave birth to us, loves us helps us, hurt us (think throwing rocks), holds us, pushes us and supports us through all the good times and the challenging times.  I love you Mom, have a great birthday!

Friday, June 13, 2008

silly wabbits

silly wabbits
Originally uploaded by Clan Mussellam

Funny thing kids are. Today I was talking to Michael on the phone about going out for a girls night tonight. While talking on the phone He overheard the girls fending for themselves for something or other. Then he heard Maeve say, "I'm spanking my own butt." Michael asked me why I get to have a girls night out when obviously I don't do anything all day. I pointed out that there are just a few things that I do all day.. but it seems like the girls are pushing me out of my own job by putting themselves down for 'naps' and by disciplining themselves by spanking their own butts!**

They are so talented but I do request I get to hold onto my most important job for a lot more years!

**In our family, the spanking of the butts is a term of endearment. Also shaking one's butt at another. Ask Mel Snagg, Madigan endeared the hell out of her yesterday!

***please disregard incredibly creepy looking mother in the background!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Originally uploaded by Clan Mussellam
as neil says, "all for one and one for all"!!

good times at the zoo!


Originally uploaded by Clan Mussellam
team doucette graciously donated a spare pass to the clan and we hit the Greater Vancouver Zoo... much fun! thanks doucettes..

note today's blog is short and terse due to stupid blogger andnot letting me upload pics of video.. grr

Monday, June 09, 2008


Hmmmm Hmmmm Hmmmmm

eh hem......

Happy Birthday toooo youuuuuu

Happy Birthday toooooo youuuuuuu

Happy Birthday Auntie Barbieeeeeeeeeee

Happy Birthday tooooo youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!

Auntie Barbie, we loves you so much!