We are all well here. Yesterday was ballet day. Here are some pics from last weeks' ballet. I didn't snap any this week!
And a song from my daughter Madigan:
Baa baa black sheep have you any WAR
yes Sir yes Sir three and four!
She knows lyrics like me! Is that my kid or what?
Hold me closer Tony Danzaaaaaaaaaaaa!
Xox Vashti
Radio Edit from Michael:
We also brought home our new baby today. Yes, we traded in the Xtera and got ourselves a little white Honda Fit. It looks like this (except for the stylish wheels... we have hubcaps):

"Lessening our carbon footprint" and other trendy slogans aside, the beast was just not fitting into our lifestyle much anymore. We can walk to most things we need, and the driving we do is mostly around the city.
And gas is $1.31 today; the Fit sips the stuff while the Xtera guzzled like myself left unattended around ice cream! ~Michael
Our friend Karen used to sing 'mmmmm bopping red eye' to 'smooth operator'
The girls look so MATURE now. Its only been a few weeks, ooh how they've grown.
Its true.... you should see the man eat ice cream!
Cuties and Cars!
Awesome. Congrats!
Very nice new car, I can't wait for you to drive to dq to get me delicious things.
CONGRATS all around !!
Looks good. Well now you will have tons of money for all that ice cream....hehehehe
Luvs, hugs & kisses
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