We have been so lucky to have Auntie Sara and Jakers over all weekend. The kids ADORE one another! Madigan and Jake argue constantly. It is adorable, it sounds like this: Jake, "YES" Madigan, "NO" over and over and over! They are hilarious!
Yesterday we went to 2nd Beach. We met up with the Kwan D'Eons and the Snagg Duncans! We havent' seen them since FEBRUARY! How in the heck did that happen? Oh yeah, my life is on supreme fast forward! Good times were had at the beach, sand was eaten (mostly unintentionally by me) and SUNBURNS were given! What a dope I am! I had the sunscreen in my hands and then put it back.. no no I said, we wont need it! I don't have any pics but you should SEE how cute the girls look all pinky cheeked and sun kissed! I look like a crispy tomato but whatever! The good news about forgetting the sunscreen was the girls and I actually absorbed some vitamin D. We were just talking about how sunscreen inhibits the absorption of vit D. Soooo basically what I'm saying was that its a good thing that we all got a little too much sun?? That doesn't sound right :P
While we were at the beach yesterday we were 'treated' to a rudey dudey nudey who ran into the water went UNDER the water.. splashed around, washed himself very thoroughly all the while Mel, Ange and I stared open mouthed! Too bad I didn't have pics of THAT! He was well fit!
Today I have a roast in the oven, bread is on the stove rising and I have about 3 weeks worth of house cleaning to do. It is a gorgeous day out but we are inside today. The girls have the water table set up on the balconey and they can play out there but I have serious work to do at home before I go to work tonight!
On a side note I am really enjoying my save on more job! I get to meet lots of people and manhandle their produce! I have already had some repeat customers that I get to joke around with! Poor Michael is in for work early and coming home late. He is still on a deadline and seems overworked and underpayed. Fortunately it wont last too long, his game stuff is locked in on April 15. So half a month to go and we get Daddy back all to ourselves!

Old pics but cute pics!