Hello everyone!
First off, everyone is OK! We just took our very first trip to the ER.
Maeve and Daddy were horsing around and she cracked her brain holder. She screamed VERY loud and I came running. Daddy was holding her and there was a fair bit of blood. I looked and we made the decision to take take her in. I figured she needed at least one stitch.
We got to the ER before 5 and followed all the steps to get registered. I tried to keep the girls away from the most contagious looking kids. It was SO busy in there.. the triage nurse said today was nothing compared to yesterday! Lucky us. We were only stuck there until 7:30
The medical team gave Maeve some topical anesthetic (sp) and we had to wait for that to take.. about a half hour. Then we had to wait to get a room again.. sweet mother of mary it felt like it took forever. We talked about stitches, glue or staples. Stapling my child's head made me feel a bit woozy, I was worried that stitches might fall out or she might touch them too much so we went with glue.

Maeve did wind up getting her first haircut! See photos!
All is well, it is 8:30 now, we've just had dinner and banana cream pie for dessert. Found out today that my children are so brave and strong, my husband is so brave and strong and so am I! Also found out that none of us like banana cream pie!
Oh and my surprise is, I got the job at Save On Foods... more more more.. how do you like it how do you like it.. more more more! Sort of anticlimactic but its night time work and I don't have to bring the girls! They'll have me to stay home and play with them all day every day instead of two days a week! I'm thrilled!
Holy nuggets! I got first post?! This must mean Mom doesn't know yet... SCORE FOR ME, sorry Maeve, crappy thing to happen for me to score one.
Maeve if you came to live with auntie we would coat you in bubble wrap, feed you sweets and never let you get hurt, nor let those evil, negligent parents back near you. :P You and I both know that parents don't get much better than what you've got, so lower your expectations a little :)
Glad you're ok though, your mom did good and didn't cry! Don't do that to them or us!! Its bad for the nerves.
congtrats on the new job. Damn, I was sure it was triplets. Sorry about the er trip. Good for you it took as long to get there as it did. We were there at 3 for Abby and 9 months for mag's. Emmma has only been there a few times because of allergic reactions. Abby was for 5 stitches to the head and Mag's for getting her finger caught in the shower drain and it sliced all the way around. Have a great monday.
OOOOOOOOH Maeve, what a brave princess you are. I am glad that I only found out this morning as I would not have slept if I'd known.
(well I would have but not well)
I am so glad that your momma and daddy chose the glue..stitches and staples sound barbaric.
I love you brave little girl and I love your somewhat cranky looking sister too! (do you think she got her cranky from me?)
love you all
Brave Maeve! Only you would have the fashion foresight to dress in your FAB princess wear before the bloody accident! You must have been the most glamorous patient at the ER!
ohno :( Maeve you looked so calm. Well done girlie! Sounds like you all had a tough go, but are vair vair brave. I hope to see you soon and bask in your fabulosity. *high five* on the job too :)
Maevie babbbbiee....you are one grown up little girl !! You should be VERY proud of yourself and your Mommy,Daddy & little sister. I hope you get better soon. And guess what.....now you can REALLY get what you want out of Daddy...hehehe.... well at least for a couple months...I say.
Other than that....I hope you all are egg salad. Sara & Jakers was fun times...we will do it again soon....this time we go there. Hopefully we will see you guys soon too.
Oh Maeve....I hope your noggen is on the mend. Awesome dress, though. It's better to look good than to feel good.:)
Congrats on the new gig.
Free food for everyone:)
DADDY LOVE... nice work Moose (hee hee)
Good thing mommy love kicked in with a trip to the ER..
Save on is lucky to have you lady!
Now I better go and get a blog posted.. (ha ha =)
Poor little thing! She looks brave though. It's a miracle that that never happened to us. Kevin used to have what I called "The Daddy Zone". Of course now, they are both too heavy to lift and flip over his head!
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