We've got news... we've got news....

Madgan says, "No news for you, one week"
Neener Neener Neener you have to wait to seeeeeeee!
After months of living a devil-may-care lifestyle in the backwoods of England, the Clan has moved onto the next leg of the wacky adventure and are transported back to the unruly urban melting pot of Vancouver, Canada. Let's move closer to see what Daddy Michael, Mommy Vashti, Big Sister Maeve and Little sister Madigan are up to now...
1 week???? I can not wait that long.. are you pregnant? =)
Wait for it...
Mom isn't THAT dumb, she's not thinking yer pregnant.
I know your news.
well.. the timing is right for another sept baby!..
I know, you are having triplets, all boys. Deb
I'm going with pregnant...or you're moving to New Zealand.
hmm pregnant AND moving to NZ?
Or giving birth to twin carrots..tomatoes (sp)
anyway bossy boots madigan is adorable even when saying 'NO NEWS for one week"
love ya
I have no idea, However Maddigan looks just a little too much like Rasputin for my liking
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