Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thirsty Thursday

Howdy Y'all! Sorry for the sporadic postings these days. My mind is in a zillion places! We seem to be chugging right along for our new home purchase. Getting all the financing and whatnot sorted is Michael's job. Poor him! The girls are doing well. Driving me nuts most of the time.

Since the big kids are back to school, we get all our old haunts back. Yay, today we met up with the Kwan D'Eons at the aquarium. Good times. We were swarmed by wasps.. ok, not everyone mostly Theo. It was pretty scarey. We picked up and moved on, those Kwan boys' lunch is sooo good that even the wasps were all over it.. literally!

We went below ground to watch the dolphins. They must have been in a weird mood or something because in my opinion, they were freaking out! Jumping up in the water and then swimming soooo fast back and forth to their secret lair! It was pretty neat.

After the dolphin viewing we hit the park. Not sure what they call this one. I'm sure you do Ange! Its the one near Malkin Bowl... I think! It was cool.. Madigan snoozed for like 20 mins.. boo.. should have been longer but she woke up to pee.. and did... on her sheepskin.. double boo! Oh well c'est la vie! Maeve and Milo walked to the park together. Tres adorable

We said goodbye to the Kwan D'Eons they headed home on foot and we made our way back to our car. I thought for sure the girls would crash in the car.. no such luck! On our way up to the apt I informed them of the rules.. no computer and no tv. The computer rule doesn't apply to me and they were not happy at all. Madigan is washing the windows and Maeve is having another snack! She must be growing!

Here are some cute Kwans


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA FIRST POST, Wow suck that jac and mom you fricking lurkers, I finally got one, Ok now i will actually go back and read it

Anonymous said...

Awww your a whole crate of hippos, Why can you go on the computer and they can't I call rebellion, Thats too bad about the wasp, Row is so afraid of bee's that she will not allow me to dry clothes outside because they might get bee's in them, Cause that happened to her once, Not irrational fear or anything,



Duppa Dee said...

Hahah you fucker you beat Jaq!! Your video isnt working.
Forgive me if I peer at the family blogs through my fingers, if I see LINDSEY, yes you'll note its LINDSEY's fingers peeling brodies toenails off, or if I see your maggot colony I think I'll toss some serious sugar free cookies.
yay post, yay maeve etc etc, your kids are cute, I am leery of these posts though

Anonymous said...

Looks like good ol' fashioned fun! Couldn't watch the video though. MAYBE THEM DOLPHINS KNOW SOMETHIN' WE DON'T!?

Miss you,

gummaluvvy said...

not only can I not access the video, I can't even find it!
Boy the girls look beautiful! Must be from my side cuz all the rest are beautiful too!
Sorry Michael. I also noticed that our Michael did not even get a birthday ridiclyous.
love you all

Anonymous said...

those are some cute boys! wowee, of course not to mention the cute little girls too. happy B day Michael, i should remember that as it is also chay's b day...glad to see I have a rep as a first poster...Jac

Robin Rivers said...

Look at that crew.

Wish we were there to do the off season thing with all of you!

Anonymous said...

Holy saturation, batman!

Got to tweak that camera's settings..
