Friday, September 21, 2007

Random Fun Fotos

Howdy doody. I got my first paycheque! Yahooo Phil&Teds here I come!!! Anyhoo, here are some random photos

Birthday cake fun, well more like birthday pancake!! hahaha Poor Erin!

Circle time at the Vancouver Aquarium

Mommy/Mad snuggles captured by a random tourist at the vancouver aquarium


Duppa Dee said...

Jesus, really? first post? It can't be real, and I don't deserve it. I realize that my maeve-b-day alarm didnt go off because my clock was convinced that it was still sept 06. I hate having to rely on technology, anyways, cute pics, I gotta post this asap or Jaq will totally stealth first post, so if you didn't get my message, FIRST POST!

Anonymous said...

way to beat me out Danica!! so nice to see a picture of the pretty mommy!! Madigoober looks so grown up...awwwww

Robin Rivers said...

So cute, those Mussellam girls are!!! Looks like a fun birthday all around.

Congrats on the cashola! Working Rocks...? Ok, working pays...but that can be good too!

gummaluvvy said...

hey Long time no hear! I left a message the other day. I miss you all!

Duppa Dee said...

is that cake a pancake with icing?

The Reynoldz said...

Hi ya!
How are things with the house??
You have 2 beautiful girls! The picture of you and Madigan at the aquarium is totally cute.. I did not even know they did circle time there.. funny the things you find out when you have kids.. kids open whole new doors and windows to places in this world..

The Reynoldz said...

oh yeah.. and nice work on the money!! I have not seen a paycheck with my name on it in ages.. pretty cool =)... how is the job going??