Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blog Update: Michael rotated the images.

It's done! We forked over the downpayment and are now in hock for the rest of our lives! Wahoo! A whopping 1060 sf! :P

Note: Furnishings aren't ours. :)

Front Hall:

Master Bedroom:

Master bedroom with hims and hers closet.. also bathroom with skylights!

Girls bedroom. Note it shall be pink!

Living Area:



View: Vancouver's Heritage Museum where we attended the nuptials of the always entertaining Mel and Monkey!


Lisa, I didn't manage to snag a pic of our best balconey view... you know, the view of the Five Point! Yes, we'll be there chillaxing and drinking a mighty fine martini! Maybe we'll even grab some sitters and invite the mens! haha Nah! forget it.. VIVA noche de las seƱoras!!


Daemshort said...

Awesome Digs. COngrats again. You are so most fortunate. Yes, we still do look young even though are children are blossoming before our eyes. I don't feel a day over 25. Even thought that might have been 10 years ago. Hope all goes well. I think I may even have the first post. SO SORRY. Have a great day. Deb

Anonymous said...

So Since you won't tell us, I've put on my sherlock holmes hat and presume that the new digs are at main and 15th, approx?
Nice place - hope you get rid of that choc brown entry way that was giving me claustrophobia.
(grin) Nina

gummaluvvy said...

hey I asked where my bedroom was and the comment is not showing! Harumph
still mama

Clan Mussellam said...

There's enough room for a small tent on the Balcony if anyone wants to drop by for a day or two!


Duppa Dee said...

Paying rent is for suckers, especially with 'assy' landlords like I've got.
Congrats to you all, can't wait to see it, good score! See you this weekend

Anonymous said...

The place looks Amazing!!! Well done:) We have matching master bedroom colours!! I can't stop exclaiming!!!


Robin Rivers said...



Daemshort said...

I just have to say, the house looks even better right way around. Have a good night

Anonymous said...

DUDES. Your place friggin' rox! Not only the prime location, but the condo interior looks really sweet and I hope you will keep the lusty deep-red in the boudoir! When I got to the view shot from the balcony, I immediately smiled and realized that I will just be able to holla yo name from the 5-point when I need you to come over. Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name...
Congratulations again! I am envious.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Congrat's all around, it looks lovely! what is the tile in the kitchen? I want it! you have us beat by 60 feet! something in..something out so be careful Michael! Exciting times hey! yuck to moving again tho...

Rowena said...

Great place! Can't wait to come see it. Congratulations again on being homeowners. I hope you have a smooth and easy move. When do you move in?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Thats fanastique it looks like a great area and the apartment looks very modern not a harvest gold appliance in sight! I too am excited for having a laundry room, although I expect with 2 kids and a husband who is at best partially toilet trained you will be spending a great deal of time in there.

Congrats vish vash I hope you have many memories in your new home. Fond ones even