Freshly scrubbed children, one of which has a sweet tossed salad for a lid!
Sara very kindly watched the girls Tuesday so we could meet up with our financial advisor. She then also watched the girls while we were out putting a bid on a condo. The good news is, we saved ourselves hundreds of thousands of dollars. The bad news is, we were out bid!
Wednesday was a mighty treat! We had some very adorable visitors.
Melanie brought over our very favorite little monkey baby himself. Introducing, Carter McFadden Andrew Duncan. He is adorable. He is very bright... genius even! Not to mention cute and pretty and sweet and wonderful! We love you!
Co-ed bathtime! I love the way you do things over in Canadaland! All the kids look so damn cute (and grown-up). I can't believe Madigan will be 2 and Maeve will be 4! Crazy.
I think I love Carter too!! He is beautiful.
Sara has to learn to have better boundaries doesn't she? Imagine bathing your girls and getting them all spiffy for you to come home to. The nerve.
Love ya all
(I still haven't actually met Jacob even though I feel like I have)
Look at all the great looking kids! Thanks for posting the elusive Monkey-child... we've been dying to see him!
Ken, Robin and Mhari
Very cute, Sarah did a great job. She has been taking lessons from someone else I know. Lucky for your on the saving money thing. Not so lucky on the out bit thing. You will get the perfect one for you guys at the right time. Good luck. Have a great weekend. Deb
wow, never a dull moment in Mussellamville...sorry about the condo..maybe it's leaky..the kids are a dorable! check out the pics of Gage! he to is soon to say he is a genius, but his big sister is!
Take care and one of these days I will see you all again!
gogo x 2
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