Friday was pretty fun. We hit the Cambie St park with the always lovely Kwan D'Eon fam! The kids all seemed to have fun. The strike is still on here in Van so the park isn't the tidiest it has ever been! Ange got some awesome (NOT) shots of me riding the swings.. yehaw, they won't be viewed by the general public tho. Consider it my gift to you!
We made chalk outlines and the kids/Ange decorated them! Maeve and Madigan are wearing gorgeous dresses, Maeve's courtesy of Angela, Madigan's courtesy of Maeve! Ange drew Theo's chalk portrait and it was great! I supplied the sweet sweet cats! I am all that is awesome in illustration today!

After a lovely day with Milo, Theo and Angela.. we took to the seawall and walked to Starbux to meet my friend Mel. Madigan was snoozing away and we had a wonderful coffee break. Since we broke so late in the day, we decided to grab Michael and go out for dinner en masse! It was great.. hahaha ok, Mel got to witness Michael and I bickering constantly.. look people, thats what we do! Anyhoo.. she was amazed at how much the girls eat! She doesn't know the half of it. So, here is Mel's debut on our family blog that she dutifully reads every day! She is a good friend and I wub her!

Saturday I was given the apres noon off for good behaviour! I met with my friend Brea Papea Maria. I haven't had a real visit with her in years! She exactly the same, super sweet, super busy and always super generous! She came by after dinner and met the girls too! Good times!
Sunday we hit Trout Lake. LUcky us, we were right on time for the Latin Festival! Maeve got to bounce in the bouncey castle while Madigan was snoozing, both girls got their face painted and we all had some authentic Latin cuisine! Good times.. good music and good fun!

ps yes those are my awesome piggies!