Welcome to the world little Charli Arianna Harper!
She was born : 4:09 am
Weight : 6 lbs 12 oz.
Length: 20 inches
Chay did soooo well. 2 1/2 hours of labour. 10 mins of pushing and Charli was born. Chayline and family are doing well. Apparently Charli has quite a good set of pipes on her. Mother and baby are coming home sometime Monday! They are heading back up island on tuesday or wednesday! Congratulations to Chay, Aaron, Grampa Bob and Granny Jac!
1 comment:
Aww thanks Vashti that is the cutest pic and she is now public information. Get a look at those pipes on her too!! But so far no screaming she has done. Chay is a natural and the baby takes to the breast so easily. Thanks for all the calls of support.
Go Go and Poppy
Gumma Honie Nonie Luvvy and Pa
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