After months of living a devil-may-care lifestyle in the backwoods of England, the Clan has moved onto the next leg of the wacky adventure and are transported back to the unruly urban melting pot of Vancouver, Canada. Let's move closer to see what Daddy Michael, Mommy Vashti, Big Sister Maeve and Little sister Madigan are up to now...
and now that would be auntie linds with the gorgeous (but not dressed in pink) Madigan and OUR NEXT BLESSING..... HIDING IN AUNTIE LINDS'S TUMMY
a thrilled and blessed Gumma of many!!!! keep it up gang! (literally)
No, I think she was just encouraging everyone to "get it up" and to "keep it up"
so technically then you have lost 13.5 lbs. What a great new diet item.
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