Bamboo, our 3 year old black cat he:
enjoys scratching (our furniture)
enjoys eating a very expensive non filler non wheat cat food
enjoys using a litterbox but not cleaning one
LOVES Madigan.. that kid packs the poor cat everywhere and has the facial scratches to prove it! He tries to warn her politely but she earns every last scratch!
loves cuddling with Maeve.. Maeve has yet to receive a scratch.. I call it the reap what you sow effect!
LOVES attacking Michael's feet while we are playing Guitar Hero.. I found it totally hilarious until he did it to me.. not as funny I assure you!
Loves wrestling with Michael.. we now own part shares in Polysporin!
Michael also seems to enjoy having another man around the house (Bamboo) sometimes I see them cuddling (crying) together when all the estrogen is a little to much for them...