First we went camping at Lac Le Jeune, about a half hour north of Merritt BC. We had a really nice campground the stars were AMAZING! It never really gets dark enough in the city to really appreciate how gorgeous the night sky is. In the middle of our first night camping Maeve had to get up in the middle of the night to go pee! Flashlights in hand we made our way to the toilets when Maeve looked up and said, "WOW look at all the stars"! Michael heard her in the tent and chuckled. Our city kids sure don't get to see it enough!
Michael took the girls on a hike around the lake, I read a really great book "Water for Elephants". google it i'm too lazy. We got to eat our favourite camping treat, junk cereal. We had some good meals, some fffffreeezing nights unfortunately for everyone, camping 5 days wasn't for me so i bribed them into leaving early! We took the girls to see despicable me... ps awesome movie! You might be wondering why we didn't go swimming... that is because the lakefront was teeming with Canadian Geese and their disgusting poop all over the place. No offense to Canadian Geese lovers but my god the beach was gross. There was no WAY I was going in that water so I packed up the fam and drove into Merritt to swim in their public pool! Don't judge me, it was 30+ degrees!
When we got back from camping we had a couple hang out at home kinda days then Michael's work took us to playland! The girls had a BLAST! They rode on all the rides they were tall enough for, we met up with Mel, Carter and Monkey. Had a nice BBQ llunch a couple of cold drinks and then packed it in for the day. The next day found us on the BC Ferries headed to my Mom's for the Birthday BBQ Bonanza! Poor Saige wasn't feeling well but we couldn't come all the way over and not visit her! When we got there Linds had just taken her to the dr. Poor fevery little thing. We got to see Bro and LInds' temp home while their new home is being built.. right beside my Mom's... next summer is going to be AWESOME! Had a good visit, got to see Jac Rob and have a visit with them, Mike Danica and Winter came over later and we got to see all her cool new tricks, jumping and all sorts of cuteness.. Danica looks great and all pregnanty and stuff! Jason and Barb came over and we got to have a visit with them too. Unfortunately Big Robin scared the crap out of us, went to the hospital sunday am around 2 thinking he was having a heart attack. Thank goodness, it was just his gall bladder. Emergency surgery a few hours later and he was back at work within 2 days. Crazy week right? Well we still aren't even at Sunday! Soooo sunday we leave my Mom's, take the ferry back to the island to celebrate with my beautiful family 12... yes bitches 12 years of marriage! July 25, 1998 was the hottest day ever but that isn't why I remember it so well. I married Michael and we started out on the path that would bring us this family that we have been lucky enough to make!