Our Miss Maeve-y M finished her gymnastics class last week too.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Hidey Ho friends and fam! Been a while since I've blogged. Telling you how busy I am is getting old. Trust me, I am!

So this weekend past we celebrated Great Granny Gracie's 90th birthday in Powell River. We also celebrated Easter weekend with Cousin Jakers! I'd love to share with you some photos of this event but we uploaded them to Papa George's computer and he erased them from our card. He has the pics, we just have to walk him through burning them and sending them to us! So, as a reward here is the lone pic of our weekend. I call it, "Uncle Gary in profile"
We made it back from PR safe and sound, we may have had to wait a ferry or two (totalling 4 hours of missed ferries) but we had a great time! We had some great dinners and some even greater breakfasts! The Easterbunny came and dropped little eggies all over Papa's place. The kids seemed to have fun decorating and finding them. Despite the GIANT 1lb Bunny given to them, the sugar/chocolate eating was kept to a minimum!
So today I'd like to focus on our little Ms Madigan. Our sweet little Ms finished up her Jump Gymnastics class. She has been taking it for 13 weeks and is a GREAT listener? I used a question mark because she doesn't always listen to me! Madigan seems to LOVE her gymnastic teacher and just loves gymnastics itsself. Madigan has alot of self confidence and she is able to do absolutely anything! She tries everything and if she doesn't get it right away, she tries and tries again! She is such a wonderful little person and at Happy Hands she is doing such a great job! She is growing so fast and she is so able to do whatever it is she wants! I am so proud of my Maddie Bea! Madigan's favourite thing about gymnastics is, "starjumps on the trampoline".
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