Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Guess what we picked up today?

Just in time for pride weekend!

Tigger is home!!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008


Hello everyone and Happy Anniversary to Michael and I!

It has been 10 years!  Time has flown past.  It seems like just yesterday we met!  Michael driving up in his giant muscle car!  Driving up to Victoria to meet one of Michael's best friends, Greg.  Kenny coming over to Michael's basement suite in Nanaimo!!!  
Michael and I have shared tears of joy, tears of pain, laughter and so very much more.  We are so lucky to have each other.  I think we compliment each other in a way only we can!  I have learned that we both have our own particular strengths and we both certainly have our weaknesses!
I am so lucky to have Michael.  I might complain (alot) but I wouldn't trade my life in for the world.    
Michael and I have grown, adapted, learned and I think we have become very successful.  We still bicker and argue all the time but it works for us!  
So today on our 10 year wedding anniversary, we are going out for dinner, drinks and a movie courtesy of our friend Melanie Fellers Troyer!  Well, she is kind enough to watch the girls for us while we celebrate tonight!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Mommy and the Chocolate Chipettes cutting a rug! Look how long my hair was!

The Cousins *just* before it all went horribly wrong!  All three of them hit the dirt when the bench tipped over.  Great job Mommies!!

blogger is being a cow and wont let me upload anymore... sorry!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Brian and Megan's Wedding

Here is the happy couple reciting their vows!  

due to blogger acting like a big baby I can't upload any more pics at the moment.. 

will update with pics of the girls and jakers as soon as blogger lets me... i guess i should go to bed.. it is 12:30 am!!


Thursday, July 03, 2008


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Howdy howdy!

Hope everyone is well and ready to rock out on Canada day!

We were in Powell River for the weekend.  Brian Mussellam lucked out and married Megan!  It was a very nice wedding.  Auntie Nina and Uncle Gary sure lucked out!  We stayed at Papa George's, well, next door to his clubhouse that is!  Auntie Sara and Jakers & Granny Gracie were there when we got there and Auntie Erin and Don arrived later that night.  The wedding was great, the reception was nice!  Maeve and Madigan made a bunch of friends and seemed to have a great time dancing! 
 It was mentioned that my past blogs were a little mushy  so I'll try to toughen up again bitches!  To clear up some confusion Michael and I are not expecting nor are we expecting to be expecting!  My current workload is on the heavy side and I'm not really ready to add another to our happy home!  Plus I just got my boobs did and I"m not ruining my self all over again!  Some of you thought that I was up to some shenanigans with my mushy tone but I assure you.  I'm happy, thankful and greatful for my wonderfully hectic, busy, hard, challenging but oh so rewarding life!

The pic above is of Maeve hosing down her quick little sister!  Maeve has amazing tracking and aiming capabilities!  I think my girls are capable of great things and I can't wait to see what they'll be when they grow up!  The shot isn't from this weekend tho.  I haven't unloaded the camera because I am lazy!