Auntie Sara and Jakers arrived this morning and we hung out for a bit while Sara did some research before buying her new camera! Maeve, Madigan and Jake seemed to have a blast playing around the house and then we were off to hit the downtown core before the rest of the 299 994 people did!
The weather was GORGEOUS! Sooo sooo sooo cold but gorgeous! In some of the pics you might notice that Maeve's jacket is inside out. The reason her jacket is inside out is because, that is the only way my stubborn child will wear it. Apparently it was fine all last year but this year the jacket is offensive because it is only pink on the inside. Maeve's clothes have to be pink on the OUTSIDE! Voila, jacket flipped inside out and we have a warm content little girl! Man is she stubborn tho!
We got to the parade route and the Kwan D'Eons very kindly saved us a spot! We squeeze in and hunkered down to wait! The girls did really well waiting it out, they did even better when they had snacks! I'd take a picture of my marvellous mini bread sandwiches but the little piggies ate them all. Poor Milo and Theo didn't get to sample my fabulous treats! The parade was really great. I had a blast! I think the girls enjoyed it too! Since we were at the end of the parade route the paraders seemed to be a little pooped. Who could blame them tho they had been parading since before 1pm and long after 2:30!
Here is gorgeous Daddy and his gorgeous girls!
Saturday we met up with Team Doucette at Douglas Park. We walked over around 1:30 met up with Lisa and the boys. Liam and Madigan were asleep and Ronan and Maeve tore the playground up! A little later Mr Doucette arrived and chased Maeve and Ronan around the playground! Maeve LOVED it! It was beautiful but cold too! We hung out til 4ish and then headed back home. On our way home we hit capers hard! We bought a tonne of expensive snacks!! hahah 7$ for some garlic mashed potatoes! haha we are idiots! The snacks we got were delish tho!!
*note yesterday was the day Maeve's jacket issue was finally resolved! Look how cute Madigan looks in her hat/mitts set that Auntie Erin got for Maeve 2 yrs ago!