Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy Birthday tooo youuuuu!

Happy Birthday Madigan Beatrice Mussellam! We sure love you!!

This is how it played out; Auntie Sara and Jakers arrived last night... awesome... stayed the night and were up at the crack of dawn! I put the cake in the oven and left for work at 8:30 am. Left Michael, Sara and the kids to it and I went to work! Came home and Granny Grace, Auntie Erin & Don and Papa George came over for a rocking bday party! I"ll put some video up later.. until then,,. here are some pics!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bad blogger... BAD!

Haha Ok, so I can't exactly blame blogger the company.. just the blogger me! I have been so busy. Not really a good reason but thats what I am going with!

I'm so excited about the Doucettes moving back to Vancouver! Can't wait for the kids to meet each other again! We are having a family party for Miss Madigan Beatrice who turns 2 on Saturday! I can't believe she is 2 already! Where has the time gone!!! We all have colds and are all tired and cranky! Don't ask me how we did it but Madigan, Maeve and I logged an almost 3 hour nap yesterday.. it was GREAT!

Here are some pics of Maeve. Michael is trying to capture her "angry" face for a game that he is making for her. Everytime he goes to capture her "angry" face she starts laughing or smiling. He isn't interested in those looks.. but he is after the elusive angry face. I haven't told him but she gives me the angry face about a hundred times a day! ahhaah

Here is Miss Madigan courtesy of Miss Maeve. Clever girls they are! Maeve managed to capture the angle that best highlights the glistening snot on Madigoober's nose! Ahhh winter!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Random Fun Fotos

Howdy doody. I got my first paycheque! Yahooo Phil&Teds here I come!!! Anyhoo, here are some random photos

Birthday cake fun, well more like birthday pancake!! hahaha Poor Erin!

Circle time at the Vancouver Aquarium

Mommy/Mad snuggles captured by a random tourist at the vancouver aquarium

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Hello faithful readers and welcome to BIRTHDAY WEEK!

Actually, to be more accurate we could call it birthday MONTH! Parties parties everywhere! All our friends and family gain a year this month!

Without further adieu here is Maeve's Birthday morning so far

What birthday would be complete without your sister trying to sneak a ride on your brand new bike?

Or without a rousing knock-knock session!

So here is Maeve's cake. Not as "fantastic" as last year though! We fully believe in child labour so, in keeping with tradition, Maeve helped to ice and sprinkle her birthday "cake"! We waited for Madigan to nap so we could come up with this fine creation! There would have been more cupcakes had two cheeky monkeys not swiped them earlier this am while I was busy. Sneaky little buggers! Cupcake crumbs from one end of the kitchen to another!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Blog Update: Michael rotated the images.

It's done! We forked over the downpayment and are now in hock for the rest of our lives! Wahoo! A whopping 1060 sf! :P

Note: Furnishings aren't ours. :)

Front Hall:

Master Bedroom:

Master bedroom with hims and hers closet.. also bathroom with skylights!

Girls bedroom. Note it shall be pink!

Living Area:



View: Vancouver's Heritage Museum where we attended the nuptials of the always entertaining Mel and Monkey!


Lisa, I didn't manage to snag a pic of our best balconey view... you know, the view of the Five Point! Yes, we'll be there chillaxing and drinking a mighty fine martini! Maybe we'll even grab some sitters and invite the mens! haha Nah! forget it.. VIVA noche de las seƱoras!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Thirsty Thursday

Howdy Y'all! Sorry for the sporadic postings these days. My mind is in a zillion places! We seem to be chugging right along for our new home purchase. Getting all the financing and whatnot sorted is Michael's job. Poor him! The girls are doing well. Driving me nuts most of the time.

Since the big kids are back to school, we get all our old haunts back. Yay, today we met up with the Kwan D'Eons at the aquarium. Good times. We were swarmed by wasps.. ok, not everyone mostly Theo. It was pretty scarey. We picked up and moved on, those Kwan boys' lunch is sooo good that even the wasps were all over it.. literally!

We went below ground to watch the dolphins. They must have been in a weird mood or something because in my opinion, they were freaking out! Jumping up in the water and then swimming soooo fast back and forth to their secret lair! It was pretty neat.

After the dolphin viewing we hit the park. Not sure what they call this one. I'm sure you do Ange! Its the one near Malkin Bowl... I think! It was cool.. Madigan snoozed for like 20 mins.. boo.. should have been longer but she woke up to pee.. and did... on her sheepskin.. double boo! Oh well c'est la vie! Maeve and Milo walked to the park together. Tres adorable

We said goodbye to the Kwan D'Eons they headed home on foot and we made our way back to our car. I thought for sure the girls would crash in the car.. no such luck! On our way up to the apt I informed them of the rules.. no computer and no tv. The computer rule doesn't apply to me and they were not happy at all. Madigan is washing the windows and Maeve is having another snack! She must be growing!

Here are some cute Kwans

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Big news!

So sorry for being MIA here on our family blog. We Mussellams have been busy little bees! Some of you knew that we were looking to buy a place of our own, sooo we did it! We have an accepted offer for a condo of our own! Pretty good news right? Well there is more!!!

I got a job! I know, crazy! I am now gainfully employed by FITNESS WORLD! The best part you ask? I get to bring the girls with me! We work in the childminding department at the Cambie Fitness World! Today was our first day and the children all got along great! I work Mondays with Mel (my boss) and Friday with Jessica. Saturday and sunday I work with Julie! Everyone else brings their children too.. it is the perfect job for me right now! It doesn't pay well and it will be pretty crummy to have to work weekends but hey, whatever I can contribute is even more important now that we will be home owners! There are a few perks which are great, namely bringing the girls with me! I also get a gym membership! Yay! The hours aren't too bad either, 9-2 for each day I work! I am pretty lucky!

but guess what? there is more!!

SO when we rudely moved away and took the girls away from everyone we love, some very good friends moved too, only further. Well I miss them. Since moving back to vancouver I've missed them even more! So I'm sure you know my good news... they are moving back! I'm so excited! It is still a long way away because they are going to have a much deserved vacation before coming back to the WET Coast!

In conclusion, I'm happy to be alive, have friends and family that I love and so very thankful for all the wonderful things that have been happening!