So sorry for being MIA here on our family blog. We Mussellams have been busy little bees! Some of you knew that we were looking to buy a place of our own, sooo we did it! We have an accepted offer for a condo of our own! Pretty good news right? Well there is more!!!
I got a job! I know, crazy! I am now gainfully employed by FITNESS WORLD! The best part you ask? I get to bring the girls with me! We work in the childminding department at the Cambie Fitness World! Today was our first day and the children all got along great! I work Mondays with Mel (my boss) and Friday with Jessica. Saturday and sunday I work with Julie! Everyone else brings their children too.. it is the perfect job for me right now! It doesn't pay well and it will be pretty crummy to have to work weekends but hey, whatever I can contribute is even more important now that we will be home owners! There are a few perks which are great, namely bringing the girls with me! I also get a gym membership! Yay! The hours aren't too bad either, 9-2 for each day I work! I am pretty lucky!
but guess what? there is more!!
SO when we rudely moved away and took the girls away from everyone we love, some very good friends moved too, only further. Well I miss them. Since moving back to vancouver I've missed them even more! So I'm sure you know my good news... they are moving back! I'm so excited! It is still a long way away because they are going to have a much deserved vacation before coming back to the WET Coast!
In conclusion, I'm happy to be alive, have friends and family that I love and so very thankful for all the wonderful things that have been happening!